Keywords for Amazon Authors: Best Choices for Titles, Categories, Text, Description and more

Keywords for Amazon AuthorsKeywords can be an indie author’s best friend. When used wisely, they help a book come up in search results at Amazon; when not used wisely, a book is destined to only be found via word of mouth.

We had a great webinar training authors to use Amazon’s internal search engine while cross-checking at Google’s Keyword Planner for making smart decisions on keyword choices. We also identified where those words must come up in your KDP dashboard, book’s title, categories, text, description and more.

The webinar was recorded and is still available. It explains:

– What metadata is and how it helps readers find your book.

– How to select the right keywords for your book titles, description, categories, tags and internal text of your book.

– How to use both Amazon and Google’s Keyword Planner for wise decision making.

– How to enhance blog posts and social media mentions like Twitter and Google+ using the same process.

This webinar has been made available to authors here: 75 minutes of useful tips, price $15.

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