Out Of Sync with Belinda Nicoll, The Only Constant is Change

Indie Authors #47 interviews Belinda Nicoll, on her move from South Africa to USA on September 11th, 2001. The expat discusses

change, conflict and culture shock in her memoir, Out Of Sync. Hosted by Jason Matthews and Marla Miller.

Amazon author pages:


G+ Pages:
Belinda Nicoll — https://plus.google.com/111672162253700762003/posts
Jason Matthews — https://plus.google.com/117850331447734054313/posts
Marla Miller — https://plus.google.com/103300511748809913411/posts

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Indie Authors #45, PTSD and Recovery with Juanima Hiatt

Juanima Hiatt, author of The Invisible Storm, discusses PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and recovering from it. Featuring host, Jason Matthews.

Amazon author page:



Juanima Hiatt – http://www.juanimahiatt.com/
Jason Matthews – https://ebooksuccess4free.wordpress.com

G+ Pages:
Juanima Hiatt – https://plus.google.com/117075757751773835854/posts
Jason Matthews – https://plus.google.com/117850331447734054313/posts

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Amazon Reports Growth, Barnes & Noble Closing Stores

Jeff Bezos Kindle FireRecent reports indicate what many Indie authors already know as vendors dealing with retailers: that Amazon thrives while Barnes & Noble struggles.

Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos, said, “After 5 years, eBooks is a multi-billion dollar category for us and growing fast – up approximately 70% last year. In contrast, our physical book sales experienced the lowest December growth rate in our 17 years as a book seller, up just 5%. We’re excited and very grateful to our customers for their response to Kindle and our ever expanding ecosystem and selection.”

The company does not give exact data on Kindle sales although the Kindle Fire HD, Kindle Fire and Kindle Paperwhite have all been top sellers since their releases.

One of their historical competitors, Barnes & Noble, plans to close roughly 200 stores, about 30% of their brick and mortar locations, over the next decade. Barnes & Noble also reported a decline in Nook sales for the last quarter of 2012.

Notice that Amazon reports a growth rate even for print books, while B & N reports a decline for the Nook devices. Not good. Perhaps Microsoft needs to invest another 300 million in this fight?

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Amazon UK and EU Direct Payments to Authors

UK flagIt’s been a long time coming. Authors in the UK and EU have long struggled with a better payment option from US based Amazon.com, typically the largest seller of their ebooks. In the past it was done with US checks that often needed gross amounts deducted by local banks to convert to local currency. This hasn’t been a problem for US authors, as EFT’s (electronic funds transfer) are the common method of payment resulting in direct bank deposits. Now authors in the UK and EU can get that too.

From Amazon:

KDP updates royalty payment options for UK and EU

We are pleased to announce Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) has new payment options available. You can update your account starting today for royalty payments to be made in April, 2013. Your account preferences can be set to receive royalty payments electronically across all marketplaces in British pounds or Euros. In order to be paid by Direct Deposit, your bank account will need to be located in the United Kingdom or in Europe.

For more information, https://kdp.amazon.com/self-publishing/help.

A happy day for Indies and readers 🙂

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Indie Author Dog Lover – Ferris Robinson

A soft spot exists in my heart for dogs and the people who love them, especially those who learn life lessons from dogs. Enjoy the following interview and excerpt from author, Ferris Robinson, who recently released Dogs and Love–Stories of Fidelity.

What was your motivation?

Ferris Robinson and her dogsI LOVE my dogs, and the older I am the more important they are to me. Especially with my boys growing up and leaving home, the dogs have taken on the roles of kids. They sure are easier! Dogs are so sensitive to humans, knowing innately when hearts are broken, or there is much to be celebrated. They love us humans better than we deserve. (I’m a real dog person.)

Who will love this book?

I think dog-lovers will love the book, but also maybe people who ‘don’t get dogs’ will have an ah-ha moment and realize what a void they have in their lives. That’s how I feel really – but know I shouldn’t impose that on everyone. But I try! Especially recently widowed or lonely people. I think people will see their own dogs in the stories, and remember how much they loved ‘so and so’ and how much that particular dog meant to them.

Already made me think of mine. You’re an accomplished author–why have you gone Indie rather than Traditional publishing?

I didn’t try to get an agent for my nonfiction b/c know what a long shot it is, with tons of waiting, rejection, etc. I’m trying to get one for my fiction but will probably self publish it as well if I don’t have any luck. I self-published a couple of cookbooks years ago that I’m actually re-releasing this spring. It’s fun to work it, and you are a huge help and support. Not sure I would have done it without your books and advice.

Thank you. How do you like being an Indie author? Pros and cons?

I like being hands on as an Indie author, writing the press releases, stalking people like you (haha) and working it! I actually published a book on log homes with a publisher but between you and me, not sure what they did to promote it. It makes sense to cut out the middle man in my case and so far, I’m having a ball. The people I’ve ‘met’ online and on your site are incredibly helpful and kind. They all seem to want to ‘pay it forward’ and help another indie out. Nothing cut-throat or competitive at all so far and I am so happy to be part of such a kind and giving community. 

Happy to have you with us. The following is from Ferris Robinson’s book, Dogs and Love – Stories of Fidelity.

dogs and love - stories of fidelityPuppy Training – Who’s Training Who?

I am determined to house train my new puppy. I take him outside several times a day, my pocket heavy with treats. I say “Hurry up!” like my training manual suggests so that he will learn to relieve himself immediately upon hearing that phrase.
On a mission, I walk him down the path to my garden. So far he is in no hurry at all, despite my suggestions. Instead he sticks his nose in a clump of bee balm and sniffs. I pinch off a red fringed blossom and squeeze it in my hand, breathing in the sharp fragrance.
“Hurry up!” I coax as he meanders along the path, smelling the carmine-red spiraea and the tips of the lavender and the frothy yellow yarrow that spills over the path. Finally I give up and take a seat on the wooden bench my husband gave me a few years ago. It is the perfect accent piece for my garden, but to my knowledge, has never been used. I am glad to have a spot in the shade to wait. “Hurry up!” I say again as he wanders further down the path.
I have spent countless hours in this garden, but I am always working on a project. I weed constantly. I keep the bird feeder full and the hydrangeas watered and I spread pine straw on a regular basis. When I look at my backyard it is to see what needs replacing and what needs to be added.
This is the first time I have ever sat down and looked at my garden without criticism. I am still. Right beside me an oversized bumblebee trundles over a violet butterfly bush bloom. The bee clings, now upside down, to the conical blossom that has rolled over under the insect’s weight. Undeterred, he continues his mission, frantically eating pollen with what appears to be six hands.
There is a butterfly on another bloom, methodically opening and closing his brown and orange wings. I lean in closer and peer at his busy whirl of antennae as he vigorously sips up nectar. He seems completely unaware of me.
I am still. There is another bee so close to me I could touch him, but he looks different. His tiny body is a soft mossy green and he has a fan tail. Suddenly I realize it is not a bee at all, but a baby hummingbird. His whirring wings make no noise and I wonder if the motorized hum grown hummingbirds make comes with age. I don’t move as I watch him immerse most of his little torso in a single bloom of a vivid pink phlox. I listen hard to see if I can hear him. I can’t.
Instead, I hear the trill of a bird from the woods, then a repetitive chirp-chirp-chirp of another, and then a frenzied twitter of what must be a flock of the same bird. I cannot see any of these birds, but know I am hearing different ones.
A goldfinch glides in for a perfect landing on my full feeder. He is bright crayon yellow and pops out against the black sunflower seeds. I drink him in.
My puppy comes barreling down the path and jumps up on my lap, joyfully licking my chin. He has sniffed every flower and chased every bee and noticed every single thing in the garden. I glance at my watch and realize almost half an hour has passed and I have no idea if my mission was accomplished or not. Still, I do not tell him to hurry up.
I feel the vibration of the baby hummingbird just behind my ear, but I never hear a sound. The leaves rustle and there is a late summer breeze on my face and I think what a lovely spot I have in the world. I am thankful my little dog has not learned how to ‘hurry up’. I gaze out at the garden and think of all I would have missed if he had. I stroke my little dog’s ear and wonder if that was his mission all along.

I enjoyed this very much and know other readers will too. Read more about author Ferris Robinson at her blog.

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